Franklin Aguirre (1969) is born and lives in Bogota, D.C., (BFA) of the Fine Arts Faculty of the National University of Colombia, at the moment studies a Masters in History and Theory of the Art and the Architecture in the same city. In the 2003 it attended a seminary on fundraising in Cambridge (Arts & Bussines / Building Creative Partnerships , thanks to the support of the British Council. It has made 6 solo exhibitions and more than 53 collective ones in Colombia and abroad. It has advised to the Greater Mayorship of Bogota, to the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Foreign Affaires of Colombia and to the National Museum of Photography in cultural events in general and particularly in projects related to independent art, design and photography. He has been professor of several universities of Bogota for 9 years and lecturer in national and International events for 6 years. He is the founding and director of the Biennial International of Venice of Bogota which is managed by the TÄI, The Art Incubator, independent organization that also directs.